Professor (C4), Head of Department
Study of Biology at Heidelberg University, Germany (1981 - 1987)
2014 - present
Division Head "Virus-associated carcinogenesis" at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany
2002 - present
Full professor (C4) for "Molecular Virology", Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany
2000 - 2002
Full Professor for "Molecular Virology" (C3), Institute for Virology, University of Mainz, Germany
1999 - 2000
Associate professor at the Institute for Virology, University of Mainz, Germany
1994 - 1999
Independent group leader at the Institute for Virology, University of Mainz, Germany
1991 - 1993
PostDoc and leader of the HCV program "Central Research Unit", Hoffmann-LaRoche AG Basel, Switzerland
Phone: (++49) 6221 - 56 310787
Department of Infectious Diseases
Im Neuenheimer Feld 344
69120 Heidelberg, Germany