Prof. Dr. Dirk Grimm

Department of Infectious Diseases,


Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University Hospital

69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone:      06221-54 51331


Position and Status

Professor (W3), Head of section Viral Vector Technologies

Academic Education

Studies of Biology, Kaiserslautern University & Heidelberg University (1988 - 1994)

Professional Career


Head of section Viral Vector Technologies of the Department of Infectious Diseases (W3), Virology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

2017 - 2022

Professorship (W2), Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University

2007 - present

Group leader, Department of Virology, University Hospital Heidelberg

2006 - 2007

Research associate, Stanford University Medical School

2001 - 2006

PostDoc fellow, Stanford University, Medical School

1999 - 2001

PostDoc fellow,  German Cancer Research Center Heidelberg

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