Prof. Dr. Claudia Sommerer

Department of Internal Medicine


Medical Faculty, Heidelberg University Hospital

69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone:      06221-9112 0


Position and Status

Senior Physician of Internal Medicine, Nephrology; Project Leader DZIF Transplant Cohort (HD)

Academic Education

UKHD, Hospital Clinic Barcelona (MD) and Albert-Ludwigs-Uni Freiburg, Graduate School of Business & Economics Law (MSc)

Professional Career

2017 - present

Member of the Scientific Executive Board, Project leader of the SOLKID GNR (Safety of the Living Kidney Donor, German National Registry)

2013 - present

Member of the Managing Board (2013-2018) and of the Scientific Executive Board (since 2018) of the DZIF Tranplant Cohort


Master of Science Clinical Research Management


Associate professor

2007 - 2022

Senior Physician for Nephrology and Renal Transplanation


Board certification Nephrology

2005 - 2007

Resident for Nephrology


Board certification Internal Medicine

2000 - 2005

Doctor of Medicine (MD) Heidelberg, Resident Internal Medicine

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