In the present project, the initiative “Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative” (DNDi), the Medical Faculty at Heidelberg University (UniHD) and various other DZIF member institutions are collaborating in a pre-competitive manner in the field of prevention of future viral outbreaks. DNDi has acquired and assembled a collection of nucleoside analogue compounds for in vitro antiviral testing. Historically, nucleoside analogues have been a particularly successful class of chemical compounds in antiviral therapy and, due to their mechanism of action, have a very high chance of serving as a starting point for drug development into broad-spectrum antivirals. The DZIF TTU Emerging Infections has invested in the establishment of the Antiviral Compound Testing Platform (ACTP). This contains various in vitro test systems based on cell lines and primary cells, as well as in vivo test systems. UniHD is coordinating this part of the project. The Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) supports the project in the area of centralised substance and data logistics, and the University of Hamburg advises on questions of nucleos(t)ide chemistry. The Nucleoside-Booster project brings together this preliminary work with the aim of gathering information on such nucleosides and potential lead structures that have the broadest possible antiviral effect. These results will be summarised in a high-level publication. The partners subscribe to jointly run for follow-up funding to take individual prioritized combinations of virus and inhibitor forward into the integrated lead optimization project work.
Phone: ( 49) 6221 - 56 310787
Department of Infectious Diseases
In Neuenheimer Feld 344
69120 Heidelberg, Germany