TTU 02.812

"Pathogen based diagnostics & epidemiology"

Denkinger, Claudia

University Hospital Heidelberg

Department of Infectious Diseases

Section Clinical Tropical Medicine

In Neuenheimer Feld 324

69120 Heidelberg, Germany

Phone: 0049-6221-56 36637


Curriculum vitae


Project Specific Informations

Short Summary

The title of the joint project described here "Pathogen based diagnostics & epidemiology" reflects the main contents of the translational research to be carried out in the next years: (1) implementation of the resistance predictions based on the genome of the TB pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis in a diagnostic workflow and (2) implementation of molecular epidemiological studies including transmission analyzes and development of models for the Implementation of molecular epidemiological data in integrated prospective tuberculosis surveillance. In Heidelberg, we carry out the modeling studies.


    Project is translating into implementation planing across various countries

    Finci I, Albertini A, Merker M, Andres S, Bablishvili N, Barilar I, Cáceres T, Crudu V, Gotuzzo E, Hapeela N, Hoffmann H, Hoogland C, Kohl TA, Kranzer K, Mantsoki A, Maurer FP, Nicol MP, Noroc E, Plesnik S, Rodwell T, Ruhwald M, Savidge T, Salfinger M, Streicher E, Tukvadze N, Warren R, Zemanay W, Zurek A, Niemann S, Denkinger CM. Investigating resistance in clinical Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex isolates with genomic and phenotypic antimicrobial susceptibility testing: a multicentre observational study. Lancet Microbe. 2022 Sep;3(9):e672-e682
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