Major abdominal surgery is associated with high postoperative infection rates. Despite well-established surveillance systems for surgical wound infections, there is a lack of comprehensive reporting on infectious complications and the impact of the use of anti-infectives during and after surgery. This project aims to develop a model based on collected biomaterials and clinical data that can predict infectious complications as well as the occurrence of multidrug-resistant organisms (MDRO) as they develop after intra-abdominal surgery.
A detailed analysis of the clinical and microbiological chain of events from pre-existing MDRO-colonization to surgery to wound contamination to infection to sepsis is thus required to improve existing interventions and reduce peri- and post-operative morbidity and infection rates. The primary objective of the TIARA study is thus to correlate cumulative antibiotic exposure with emergence of MDRO colonization and infection following intra-abdominal surgery. The study hypotheses are that the extent of antibiotic exposure following intra-abdominal surgery correlates with the emergence of MDRO following surgery and that domination of the microbiota by a specific species proceeds infection. In the long term, existing anti-infective interventions should be improved and the peri- and postoperative morbidity and infection rate as well as unnecessary or inadequate treatments with anti-infectives should be reduced. Seven study sites take part in the TIARA consortium (Heidelberg, Freiburg, München, Lübeck, Gießen, Cologne, Tübingen). So far, patient recruitment has started. At the Heidelberg site, 21 patients have been enrolled since May 2022.
Phone: ( 49) 6221 - 56 310787
Department of Infectious Diseases
In Neuenheimer Feld 344
69120 Heidelberg, Germany